Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Lent Starts Today

I cannot believe that it is Ash Wednesday

Seems like Christmas was only a couple of weeks ago.  Time to prepare the ol'soul for Easter and the Lord's great sacrifice.

Each year we hear the ideas of what to "sacrifice" for Jesus during the 40 days of Lent.  You know the drill of common sacrifices:  No sweets, no cursing, no cell phone, no chips, no alcohol, reduced TV viewing.  How many never make it to Good Friday?

I can honestly say I have forgotten too.  I can even guarantee that I will forget the fasting rules on accident at least once during this time.  Embarrassing.

 I spend the next few hours beating myself up about my lack of memory or will power.  I end up with the guilts sending me to sleep even after praying for forgiveness.

A few years ago, I was pondering the question of what I would be giving up to honor this sacred season.  I was tired of "giving up" things I would forget about.   I started wondering how my giving up chocolate could come close to what Jesus gave. I wanted something more from the experience.

What is it that God wants from us above all else?......Ourselves!

If the Lenten Observation is about self sacrifice,I thought, then I could take the time I would normally be doing something else and use it to become closer to God.  This perked me up a bit.  Instead of debating the same old same old.  I now could explore things I can do for Him.

I am not a regular listener to Christian radio, but have been known to turn it on occasionally.  One channel has a sermon on around 10:30 am.  I decided that instead of my usually pop tunes, I would listen every morning to the sermon and then hang around for some of the Christian music.

I found myself looking forward to my mornings.  I was learning more about the Word and how it could relate to my life.  The music was uplifting.  The best part was knowing I was with the Lord an hour or two each morning.

Last year I added another item to my Lenten "to do's'.  As you know, I am a mixed media artist.  I picked up a Lent observation booklet from the back of church.  Each day I read the bible verse and the following message.  Then I drew a picture of what touched me about the passage.

What is the point of this blog post? 

The point is to challenge yourself to find things that you can do that truly give of yourself.  You can certainly still give up your chocolate or cursing or whatever.  But, find something you CAN do; pray, read the bible, do a Lent daily mini journal, listen to radio sermons or Christian music.

You are still making a "sacrifice", and probably one He will appreciate and one you can grow from.   Give your time to the Lord; really be with Him.

Let me know in the comments what you decided TO DO.

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