Wednesday, February 8, 2017

How to Be Positive About You 3 Words At A Time

Self esteem is an emotional mountain range for me.  Much of the time struggling up and down the sides with a few days standing on top.

A few months ago I was asked to list 10-20 words that positively define me.  HOLY COW!!!  20 WORDS??!!  I just sat and stared at her for a few moments.  My mind a complete blank.  I couldn't think of one or two let alone 20.  Eventually, I coughed out three but was told to go home and come up with the rest.

That seemed impossible.  In fact, I never did come up with the 20 words.  Why?  It is hard to overcome negative self talk; it is hard to talk about ourselves let alone positively; we do not want to be center stage.

I have been thinking about that task a lot lately and I think I have a more manageable approach.  One I want you do to with me.

Come up with just three words that positively define you.  If you find this hard pretend that you are your best friend, your mom or dad.  What positive things would they say about you? 

Now that you have your words, take it a step further.  Find the definitions of those words and write them down.  This will help you see how the words refer to you.

Now take those words and write a short paragraph about yourself using them.  Bold, highlight and/or underline the words.

I am a very visual person.  Putting the words down on paper, especially as part of a paragraph, really drives home the positive nature of this task.  They are no longer just a list of words, but can be seen as parts of you.

Put this paragraph in a place where you will see it several times during the day.  The frig, a mirror, a bulletin board, or inside your planner.  When you see it, read it to yourself a couple of times.  

At the end of the week, how did that paragraph about you make your feel?  Did you find yourself talking more positively to yourself?  If you keep a journal, write an entry about the feelings you had this week.  Maybe you are an art journaler, make a art page about this.  Positive feelings only.


Here is a CHALLENGE for you.  DO THIS FOR FOUR WEEKS!  A new set of words for each week.  Your internal dialogue should begin to be more positive and forgiving.  I will do this with you. Leave comments here or become part of my facebook group at Frondly Yours KA.

See my Youtube video to see how I did my words for this week. Vlog on Frondly Yours KA  

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