Wednesday, January 18, 2017

                 WHO THE HECK IS KA & 


                                            Welcome to my blog!!  

Let me introduce myself.  I am K, a mixed media artist, mother of 4 sons and an Educational Aide for a local school district.  While I love my family and my job, sometimes life gets me REAL down.

 Okay, I'll be honest.  I suffer from anxiety and depression.  This has been a part of my life since I have to tell?......well...., the last 30 or so years.  (Yup I'm old)

Treatment has only gotten me only so far.  I have been in search of tools to help me cope with the daily struggles associated with this illness.  About 4 years ago I stumbled upon art journaling and fell in love.  

Since then, I have looked into faith or bible journaling.  I have been a faith based person (Catholic) all my life, but this was a new way to not only praise the Lord, but to remind myself of the wonders of life.

What is Frondly Yours KA?

This is a blog where I can share some of the things I have learned on this depression/anxiety journey. Here are some of the things I will include:
  • Using positive quotes and affirmations 
  • Personal stories
  • Coping skills
  • Art journaling tips.
  • Faith based journaling tips.

What, exactly, do you hope to accomplish?

My primary goal is to help others who suffer or know someone who suffers from this issue to find tools they can use to cope.  I hope to provide a positive and encouraging voice from someone who is in the trenches everyday. Finally, I want to be a guide to self expression and maybe renewed connection to faith.

How will success be determined?

Okay, this will sound cliche, but one person at a time.  I believe that the Lord has been urging me to do this for sometime.  The Lord will be pleased if I connect with just one person.

I also want this to be a journey of discovery for myself.  There is so much to learn and do.  I believe I have only touched the tip of the iceberg with what I have learned.  I just want to make a difference.

                                                       COME WITH ME!!!

Life is a journey and the life of a depressed anxious person can be very challenging.  Share this adventure with me.  Together, we will discover the joys of the adventure. 

Check out my Youtube channel at Frondly Yours  for videos and tutorials to help guide and inspire you.  Here is a video introducing the channel:
Welcome to Frondly Yours Youtube Channel video       

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